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Blaze TV e Cartão de Crédito Blaze: Grátis para Assistir e Rebuilding de Crédito

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Cartão de Crédito Blaze: Construindo Crédito

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R ice pudding is a classic and beloved dessert – and I absolutely love it. It is simple, comforting and 💹 can be easily adapted based on what is in season. Currently, I am using strawberries and cream, which are at 💹 their peak in summer. I am confident that this recipe could also work well as an indulgent weekend breakfast, enjoyed 💹 outside in the sun.

Strawberries and cream rice pudding

Prep: 20 min | Cook: 50 min | Serves: 4


  • 80g pudding 💹 rice
  • 15g unsalted butter
  • 40g caster sugar, plus 2 tbsp for the strawberries
  • 900ml whole milk
  • A pinch of salt
  • 120ml double cream, plus extra 💹 to finish
  • 150g strawberries
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • ½ tsp vanilla bean paste


  1. For the rice pudding, add the rice, butter, and sugar to 💹 a saucepan over medium heat. Stir until the butter has melted and the rice is well coated.
  2. Pour in all the 💹 milk with a pinch of salt and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to a very low simmer and 💹 cook for 45-50 minutes, stirring frequently so the rice doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan. Once the rice 💹 is soft and fully cooked, remove from heat and pour into a clean bowl or plastic container. Stir in the 💹 cream and cover the rice pudding with a sheet of clingfilm which touches the surface. Let it cool completely before 💹 chilling in the fridge.
  3. For the topping, hull and finely chop about three-quarters of the strawberries and add them to a 💹 small pan. Add the two tablespoons of sugar, lemon juice and vanilla and cook gently for three to five minutes 💹 until softened and syrupy. Set aside to cool.
  4. Hull and slice the remaining strawberries in half. Spoon the rice pudding into 💹 bowls. Top with some of the cooked and sliced strawberries. Serve with an extra lashing of cream.

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